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If you think your data is valuable, imagine how valuable cybercriminals think it is!

Consider this: all successful businesses rely on some form of data throughout their day-to-day operations – from making important decisions to answering customer questions to keeping track of finances – your data is vital to you as a business executive. Unfortunately, hackers know this… and without cybersecurity protection, they’ll use it against you.

The cybercrime business has reached record proportions at a staggering $1 trillion in earnings per year. 我们的世界, 尤其是我们的企业, depend on information technology and the accessibility of systems. 我们根本不能没有它. 随着网络犯罪的不断发展, it’s more important than ever to take the right precautions to secure your network against threats.

Remember the days when a cyber-attack resulted in your computer restarting over and over again? Or pop-ups continuing to bother you until you exited them? 那些日子早已过去了. 确定, there are still forms of malware that make your computer restart or riddle you with pop-ups, 但它已经变得很远了, 更糟糕的是.

Nowadays, cybercrime has gotten more expensive than ever before. 攻击更大, 同时影响更多的组织, 更糟糕的是, 同时增加国家数量. Being the victim of an attack is more than annoying – it’s downright catastrophic for the average business!

Did you know the average cost per ransomware infection is $133,000?

那是一大笔钱,不是吗? 包括赎金要求, lost business opportunities and/or staff productivity, 当然, 在网络上回收设备的成本. Yet 90% of companies worldwide report feeling insufficiently prepared to protect themselves against attacks.

You need a skilled team of cybersecurity experts in your corner, but not all IT companies in Oradell 准备好了吗.

当涉及到网络安全服务 Oradell 以及周边地区, Techsperts, LLC | Business IT Solutions and IT Services Provider in Oradell 是正确的选择吗?. 不幸的是,并不是所有的IT公司都在 Oradell can say they’re experts in the realm of cybersecurity. Technology and cybersecurity might seem like they go hand-in-hand, 在很多方面, they do; but not everyone can be an expert in both areas.

Techsperts, LLC | Business IT Solutions and IT Services Provider in Oradell, 然而, is comprised of a team of highly skilled cybersecurity experts who are prepared to lock down your entire information technology infrastructure against any and all current or emerging threats. 我们会保护一切,包括你的:

  • 网络
  • 电子邮件
  • 工作站
  • 移动设备
  • 云应用程序
  • 网站
  • 软件及应用程序
  • 和更多的

How do we go about protecting everything within your information technology infrastructure? Do we just install some 杀毒软件 and a firewall, then call it a day? That’s what most companies expect, 然而, there’s a lot more to it. 我们将确保:

  • 评估你的基础设施 with penetration testing that allows us to identify areas of potential risk, then develop a plan to address all existing vulnerabilities and weak points – keeping you in the loop throughout the entire process.
  • 实施企业级安全措施 例如双因素身份验证, 加密, 杀毒软件, 防火墙, web内容过滤, 反垃圾邮件软件, 根据你的特殊需求,还会有更多.
  • 不间断的监测 because cybercriminals are constantly working, so we don’t stop. We’ll monitor your infrastructure proactively so we receive alerts if anything seems suspicious – giving you complete peace of mind.

正如前面提到的, ransomware is on the rise and it’s evolving at a rapid rate, so we also make sure to provide business continuity planning in addition to our cybersecurity services. This means your data and applications will be backed up periodically throughout the day.

如果有什么区别的话, 比如勒索病毒感染, 在网络上发生了什么, we’d be able to spin up a server onsite or run everything from the cloud – restoring you to the most recent possible uninfected state. 这意味着你 总是 safe with our team watching over your infrastructure.

Imagine not having to worry each and every time you see yet 另一个 business on the news facing the aftermath of a cyber-attack. Techsperts, LLC | Business IT Solutions and IT Services Provider in Oradell 是来帮忙的. 呼叫 (201) 262-5066 或发邮件至 info@vijayalakshmionline.com 首先 Oradell 你可以信任的网络安全服务.