
考虑一下:所有成功的企业在日常运营中都依赖于某种形式的数据——从做出重要决策到回答客户问题,再到跟踪财务状况——作为一名企业高管,数据对你来说至关重要. 不幸的是,黑客知道这一点,如果没有网络安全保护,他们会利用它来对付你.

网络犯罪行业每年的收入达到了惊人的1万亿美元,创下了历史新高. Our world, and especially our businesses, 依赖于信息技术和系统的可访问性. We simply can’t do without it. As cybercrime continues to evolve, 采取正确的预防措施来保护您的网络免受威胁比以往任何时候都更重要.

还记得那些网络攻击导致你的电脑一次又一次重启的日子吗? 或者弹出窗口一直困扰着你,直到你退出它们? Those days are long gone. Sure, 仍然有一些形式的恶意软件会让你的电脑重新启动或弹出窗口, but it’s become far, far worse than that.

如今,网络犯罪的代价比以往任何时候都要高. The attacks are bigger, affecting more organizations at a time, and even worse, more countries at a time. 成为网络攻击的受害者不仅仅是令人烦恼,对普通企业来说,这是彻头彻尾的灾难!


That’s A LOT of money, isn’t it? That includes the ransom demand, 失去商业机会和/或员工生产力, and of course, the cost of recovering equipment on the network. 然而,全球90%的公司报告称,他们对保护自己免受攻击的准备不足.

你需要一个熟练的网络安全专家团队,但不是所有的IT公司 Oradell are prepared for the job.

When it comes to cybersecurity services in Oradell and surrounding areas, Techsperts, LLC |商业IT解决方案和IT服务提供商 is the right choice. Unfortunately, not all IT companies in Oradell 能说他们是网络安全领域的专家吗. 技术和网络安全似乎是齐头并进的, and in many ways, they do; but not everyone can be an expert in both areas.

Techsperts, LLC |商业IT解决方案和IT服务提供商, however, 是否由一组高技能的网络安全专家组成,他们准备锁定您的整个信息技术基础设施,以抵御任何和所有当前或新出现的威胁. We’ll protect everything, including your:

  • Network
  • Email
  • Workstations
  • Mobile Devices
  • Cloud Applications
  • Website
  • Software and Applications
  • And More

我们如何保护信息技术基础设施中的一切? 我们是不是安装一些杀毒软件和防火墙,然后就收工了? 这是大多数公司所期望的,然而,还有更多. We’ll make sure to:

  • Assess your infrastructure 通过渗透测试,我们可以识别潜在风险的区域, 然后制定一个计划来解决所有现有的漏洞和弱点——让你在整个过程中都处于循环中.
  • Implement enterprise-grade security measures such as two-factor authentication, encryption, anti-virus software, firewalls, web-content filtering, anti-spam software, and more depending on your unique needs.
  • Monitoring around-the-clock 因为网络罪犯一直在作案,所以我们不会停止. 我们将主动监控您的基础设施,以便在任何可疑情况下收到警报-让您完全安心.

As mentioned, 勒索软件的数量正在上升,而且发展速度很快, 因此,除了我们的网络安全服务,我们还确保提供业务连续性计划. 这意味着您的数据和应用程序将在一天中定期备份.

If anything, such as a ransomware infection, were to happen on the network, 我们将能够在现场启动服务器或从云端运行所有内容-将您恢复到最近可能未感染的状态. This means you’re always 有我们的人保护你的基础设施.

想象一下,每次见到你都不用担心 another 商业新闻面临着网络攻击的后果. Techsperts, LLC |商业IT解决方案和IT服务提供商 is here to help. Call (201) 262-5066 or email us at info@vijayalakshmionline.com to get started with Oradell cybersecurity services you can trust.