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“How Do We Ensure All Of 我们的 Important Data Is Backed Up?”

Your business needs a managed backup 解决方案 to ensure data is properly backed up and easily recoverable. 无论您的数据丢失的原因(盗窃), 恶意软件, 意外删除或任何其他灾难), 你必须继续工作. And to do this, you need your most recently updated data. With the right backup services, you can achieve this.


Your business needs a managed backup 解决方案 to ensure data is properly backed up and easily recoverable. 无论您的数据丢失的原因(盗窃), 恶意软件, 意外删除或任何其他灾难), 你必须继续工作. And to do this, you need your most recently updated data. With the right backup services, you can achieve this.


我们使用 企业现场备份 a之外的解 安全的云备份 您的数据安全地存储在我们的数据中心的哪个位置. We also employ virtualization which is like making a mirror image of your entire IT system. 你将拥有一个基于云的服务器版本, 台式电脑, 文件存储, and Applications in a secure Data Center you can always access.

我们会保证您的 数据和系统很容易恢复. We do this by performing regular replication tests to ensure your IT infrastructure is intact and retrievable. These tests will be managed remotely without any interruption to your business operations.

Even if a simple power outage shuts down your network, 或者一场更大的灾难摧毁了你的工作场所, your IT assets will be there for you when you need them. 你可以从任何位置访问任何东西. All you need is a computer device (even your smartphone) and internet connection. And, we’ll help you get back up and running from where you left off.


  • They provide you with the most 可靠的 and secure way to protect your corporate data.
  • 当您将数据备份到异地服务器时, you ensure that your data will be safe even in the event of a physical disaster, 盗窃, 或损失.
  • With Cloud backups we manage the procedures to create the backups, eliminating time-consuming processes and costly user errors.
  • 使用我们的云备份系统, your data is securely encrypted and compressed before it is transferred to our offsite backup server, allowing for optimized bandwidth and maximizing storage usage.
  • Your users can easily restore previous versions of files wherever they are.

与Techsperts企业为基础的现场 & 云备份,你将有安全:

  • 映像和基于文件的备份.
  • Onsite Backups for fast and easy data retrieval when you’re in your office.
  • Cloud-Based Backups for business continuity when you must work remotely.
  • Virtualization of your entire system so you don’t have to wait hours to download your IT.

“无论我们身在何处,我们的备份都能使用吗? & 无论何时需要他们?”

Techsperts will replicate your data and applications in the Cloud, so you can access them from wherever you are via the Internet.

我们的 managed backup and disaster recovery 解决方案 works for you 24/7/365. You’ll benefit from a continually monitored system that detects errors or issues that could impede a quick and complete recovery of your data.


我们的 电子邮件服务 解决方案 ensures that all of your messages are securely stored offsite, so you can retrieve them and keep communicating no matter where you are.

Hosted email gives you the capability to easily share emails and folders with your staff, 共同制定日程安排, 存储和检索联系人信息, 写笔记并分享, 和更多的. Everything will sync with your authorized users’ computer devices regardless of what platform they use.

Plus, Hosted 电子邮件 stops spam and stores your emails safely. It provides the highest level of email data protection possible. We’ll sync your business emails across all your devices, 所以你的通讯是安全的, 可靠的, 无论你身在何处都可以访问.

Can We Back Up 我们的 Voicemails And Access Them No Matter Where We Are?”

我们的 VoIP 解决方案 ensures you stay connected with your clients, staff, and others no matter what. It offers an exceptional telecommunications 解决方案 from wherever you have internet access.

If the phone lines go down, and even if the power is out, you can still stay connected. 你还可以使用电话会议, desk-to-desk打电话, music-on-hold, 自动化的服务员, 还有更多.

Want the peace of mind knowing that your data is always backed up properly and available when you need it? 

The best way to have this is to let the team at Techsperts handle everything for you. We focus on keeping your technology accessible no matter the circumstances.

It doesn’t matter if your employees are in one location or working from different sites, 也不知道现在是什么时候, Techsperts’ proactive business continuity 解决方案s like our 企业现场备份, 安全云备份, 电子邮件 Hosting, and VoIP Business 电话s will keep your business up and running.